Connect, Grow, & Serve








Connect - Grow - Serve

The Pathway Of Discipleship

Church is meant to be more than a spectator sport. It is not about showing up on Sunday morning, enduring the service, tossing a buck into the offering basket, and heading out the door with a sigh of relief that we have done our duty. It is about being part of a family where people are living out authentic relationships with God, helping each other grow, and spreading the gospel to save the lost and glorify God.

Connect, Grow, Serve & Go - is in our DNA. It is who we are and how we do life and ministry. Its the discipleship process that we believe all of our members should follow each week. You will hear it during our services, you will see it in our media, you will read about it in our publications, and you will hear about it in our hallways - it is what we believe will help us live out and mature in our Christian faith.

Connect with God through corporate and private worship

Grow in relationship to God and others through Small Group Meetings.

Serve God through my time, talent, treasure and touch as I carry His life-giving message to my community and beyond. 





About Connect

It’s easy to feel disconnected in life. That’s why we are committed to making First Free Will a place where you can CONNECT with God and with others. We pray you will come with expectancy and anticipation to encounter God in our worship services.

How we connect:

Worship: Offering praise and adoration to God through corporate and private worship is our way of showing God that we truly love him and appreciate all he does for us.  Corporate worship shows unity with his family and provides an opportunity for us to connect God’s Word to our lives so we can follow Him more effectively. Worship is a place where the wonders of Christ are proclaimed and people are invited to encounter God. In private worship, we take time and set it apart for God and the daily uplifting of our spirits.  A beginning step could be investing 10 minutes each day in reading the Bible and 10 minutes in prayer in order to connect with God. 







About Grow

By Grow, we mean that God wants us to grow in love, character, and spiritual maturity by our relationship with Him and others through Sunday Morning Life Groups. Through our Sunday morning Life groups we GROW to be more like Jesus through the study of His word and the implementation of His commands. Through study, we GROW, rooted in the grace and love of Christ, with hopes of bearing spiritual fruit.

Grow: Reminds us that God accepts us as we are, but doesn’t intend to leave us there. God wants you to grow in love, character, and spiritual maturity in your relationships with Him and others. We want to help you grow into a fully equipped disciple of Jesus Christ through our Sunday Morning Life Groups

How we Grow:

Life Groups: In the intimacy of a small group, we learn to strengthen, support, and encourage one another. We learn how to live out our faith and hold each other accountable. We become inspired by others’ lives, and challenged by their stories. We form meaningful relationships with those who share our values. We find great joy in learning from and applying God’s word, and serving together as we reach out to others. We can also invite others to find the same loving relationships we enjoy, in our Sunday Morning Life Groups. 







About Serve

Following Christ is more than connecting and growing, it is about creating disciples who also connect, grow, and serve. By Serve, we mean God calls us to serve Him with our time, talent, treasure & touch.

Serve: Reminds us that we are called to reach out to our church family, our community, and the world with the love of Christ.  He uses our time, talent, treasure, & touch to help with the needs of others in our church and beyond. We should be ready to demonstrate Gods love for others through compassion and acts of service… in our neighborhoods, our workplace, reaching out in our community, and keeping a global perspective. These tangible expressions of God’s love are seen in those who roll up their sleeves and serve. 

Ways we Serve:

Servant Ministry: Jesus challenges us to serve others with our time, talent, treasure and touch. We don’t live for ourselves alone. We live to transform the world into a better place for everyone. We do this by meeting needs through local service projects and global mission opportunities. In addition to showing the love of Christ, we are also called to “tell” by sharing our faith through meaningful relationships and conversations with those who don’t yet know Christ, and by inviting others to join us in this journey of faith. We ask you to invest yourself in some form of servant ministry to others.